Neil Cavanagh is the co owner with his wife of Reno Roots Kava and Tea Bar ,a cozy place across from UNR with surf on the big screen and games on the tables. Only problem is the Washoe County Health district so far is not letting them sell what they were set up for, and that’s kava as a tea. As a compromise they have kava supplements and lots more to offer but not kava as a tea. Health district officials say they can’t make the call yet on whether kava tea is safe enough for local residents. In terms of food safety regulations, a line is crossed when a supplement is directly added to food and beverages and so far kava isn’t on the Food and Drug Administration’s Generally Recommended as Safe list. Since it’s in this grey area, local and state governments can make the call, but so far in Washoe County it’s been a red light on kava tea. So where does the Reno Roots Kava and Tea bar go from here? Find out in this episode of the Our Town Reno podcast.